EMS Week Planning: Set Easy-to-Remember Milestones

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Set Easy-to-Remember Milestones


New Year’s Resolution
Start the new year by resolving to celebrate EMS Week in style. Instead of waiting until the last minute, convene a planning committee meeting in January to brainstorm ideas and make some decisions about how you want to celebrate EMS Week this year. Talk to the leadership in your organization to ensure that you have their full support. Determine your budgetand potential funding sources, both within your organization and in the community. Identify community groups with whom you might partner (or with which you might be competing for public attention), and assign someone to reach out to these groups.


Put your Heart into It by Valentine’s Day
Meet with your planning committee again before Valentine’s Day to firm up your plans and determine the dates, scope and details of your event(s). Based on those details, refine your budget and secure commitments from funding sources.Put your EMS Week plan in writing, and assign specific tasks to each member of your planning group to ensure that the essential work is done. Don’t overcommit: If you are the only one in your organization working on EMS Week, plan a single activity with a big payoff. Perhaps your success this year will encourage others to join you in planning for subsequent years.


Beware the Ides of March
March has a way of sneaking up on you, and there may be several elements of your EMS Week plan that demand long lead times, such as ordering giveaways or gifts imprinted with your logo, creating and securing space for advertising, making and printing promotional flyers, etc. Contact vendors and place orders before the crocuses bloom.

April and May

Let Your Plans Bloom in Springtime
Spring is the time to plant seeds for support of your EMS Week event with the media, the public and elected officials. Send invitations, press releases, letters and other mailed printed matter to all of the people who might have an interest in attending and supporting your EMS Week activities.

In addition, April is a good time to make sure all arrangements are made for the event and to plan alternative arrangements for outdoor events if April showers stick around through May. Determine who will be the spokesperson for your agency and what will be said at the various events. Assign logistical roles such as banquet speakers, award presenters, food servers, logistics coordination, etc.

Just before EMS Week in mid-May, double-check all event arrangements and ensure that all personnel are aware of their duties. Review every detail twice.You won’t think of everything, and you may make some mistakes, but the more time you take to plan the celebrations and consider all contingencies, the more likely it is that your EMS Week events will go smoothly.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]